Calibrated projection v1

Calibrated projection of the global land surface carbon sink/source in JULES-ES-1.0.

A proof-of-concept analysis, bringing together code from previous JULES projects.

The plan is to create land surface historical and future trajectories that can’t be ruled out by comparison of the model with observations.



## Loading required package: spam
## Loading required package: dotCall64
## Loading required package: grid
## Spam version 2.7-0 (2021-06-25) is loaded.
## Type 'help( Spam)' or 'demo( spam)' for a short introduction 
## and overview of this package.
## Help for individual functions is also obtained by adding the
## suffix '.spam' to the function name, e.g. 'help( chol.spam)'.
## Attaching package: 'spam'
## The following objects are masked from 'package:base':
##     backsolve, forwardsolve
## Loading required package: viridis
## Loading required package: viridisLite
## See for
##  an extensive vignette, other supplements and source code
## Loading required package: lhs
## Loading required package: parallel
## Loading required package: viztools
## Loading required package: usethis
linePlotMultiEns <- function(years, ens1, ens2, col1, col2, ylab, main, ylim = NULL){
  # Plot wave00 and wave01 timeseries on top of one another
  nt <- length(years) 
  #ylim = range(c(ens1[,1], ens1[,nt], ens2[,1], ens2[ ,nt]))
  ylim = range(c(ens1,ens2))
  else ylim <- ylim
  matplot(years, t(ens1), type = 'l', lty = 'solid',ylim = ylim, col = col1,
        ylab = ylab, main = main, xlab = '',
        bty = 'n', lwd = 1.5)
  matlines(years, t(ens2), col = col2, lty = 'solid', lwd = 1.5)

makeTimeseriesEnsembleSSP <- function(ensloc, variable, nstart, nend, cn = 1850:2100){
  ysec <- 31536000
  nens <- (nend - nstart) + 1
  # nens is number of ensemble members
  # nts length of timeseries
  # cn is colnames()
  datmat <- matrix(NA, nrow = nens, ncol = length(cn))
  colnames(datmat) <- cn
  enslist <- paste("P", formatC(nstart:nend, width=4, flag="0"), sep="")
  for(i in 1:nens){
    ensmember <- enslist[i]
    fn <- paste0(ensloc,'JULES-ES-1p0_',ensmember,'')
    try(nc <- nc_open(paste0(fn)))
    #try(localtime <- ncvar_get(nc, 'time'))
    # This part compensates for the fact that sometimes years are missing
    #try(localyear <- floor(2100 + (localtime / ysec)))
    #try(ix <- which(cn%in%localyear))
    try(dat <- extractTimeseries(nc, variable))
    try(datmat[i, ] <- dat)

getStandardMemberSSP <- function(ensloc, variable, nts = 251, cn = 1850:2100){
  datmat <- matrix(NA, nrow = 1, ncol = nts)
  colnames(datmat) <- cn
  ensmember <- 'S3'
  #fn <- paste0(ensloc,ensmember,'/stats/','JULES-ES-1p0_',ensmember,'')
  fn <- paste0(ensloc,'JULES-ES-1p0_',ensmember,'')
  try(nc <- nc_open(paste0(fn)))
  try(dat <- extractTimeseries(nc, variable))
  datmat[1, ] <- dat
cbf_2 <- c("#000000", "#E69F00", "#56B4E9", "#009E73", 
           "#F0E442", "#0072B2", "#D55E00", "#CC79A7")

ensloc_ssp585_S3 <- '/data/users/hadaw/JULES_ES_PPE/u-cf932/'
ensloc_ssp585_RAD <- '/data/users/hadaw/JULES_ES_PPE/u-ck647/'

ysec = 60*60*24*365
sspyears <- 1850:2100

y_names_select_ssp585 <-  c("npp", "nbp", "cSoil", "cVeg",
                     "rh_lnd_sum" , "fLuc_lnd_sum", "fHarvest_lnd_sum",  
                     "treeFrac_lnd_mean" , "baresoilFrac_lnd_mean",
                     "shrubFrac_lnd_mean", "c3PftFrac_lnd_mean",

select_units <- c('GtC/year', 'GtC/year', 'GtC', 'GtC', 'index', 'GtC/year','GtC/year', 'GtC/year', '%', '%', '%', '%', '%')
names(select_units) <- y_names_select_ssp585

# Histograms of end of century values
yvec_ssp585 <- paste0(y_names_select_ssp585, "_ens_ssp585_S3")

yvec_anom_ssp585 <- paste0(y_names_select_ssp585, "_ens_anom_ssp585_S3")
if (file.exists("ensemble_timeseries_ssp_2022-08-09.rdata")) {
} else {
  # primary carbon cycle outputs
  npp_ens_ssp585_S3 <- makeTimeseriesEnsembleSSP(ensloc = ensloc_ssp585_S3,
                                                 nstart = 499, nend = 999, variable = "npp_nlim_lnd_sum", cn = sspyears) / (1e12/ysec)
  nbp_ens_ssp585_S3 <- makeTimeseriesEnsembleSSP(ensloc = ensloc_ssp585_S3,
                                                 nstart = 499, nend = 999, variable = "nbp_lnd_sum", cn = sspyears) / (1e12/ysec)
  cSoil_ens_ssp585_S3 <- makeTimeseriesEnsembleSSP(ensloc = ensloc_ssp585_S3,
                                                 nstart = 499, nend = 999, variable = "cSoil_lnd_sum", cn = sspyears) / 1e12
  cVeg_ens_ssp585_S3 <- makeTimeseriesEnsembleSSP(ensloc = ensloc_ssp585_S3,
                                                 nstart = 499, nend = 999, variable = "cVeg_lnd_sum", cn = sspyears) / 1e12
  lai_lnd_mean_ens_ssp585_S3 <- makeTimeseriesEnsembleSSP(ensloc = ensloc_ssp585_S3,
                                                 nstart = 499, nend = 999, variable = "lai_lnd_mean", cn = sspyears)
  # fluxes
  rh_lnd_sum_ens_ssp585_S3 <- makeTimeseriesEnsembleSSP(ensloc = ensloc_ssp585_S3,
                                                 nstart = 499, nend = 999, variable = "rh_lnd_sum", cn = sspyears) / (1e12/ysec)
  fLuc_lnd_sum_ens_ssp585_S3 <- makeTimeseriesEnsembleSSP(ensloc = ensloc_ssp585_S3,
                                                 nstart = 499, nend = 999, variable = "fLuc_lnd_sum", cn = sspyears) / (1e12/ysec)
  fHarvest_lnd_sum_ens_ssp585_S3 <- makeTimeseriesEnsembleSSP(ensloc = ensloc_ssp585_S3,
                                                 nstart = 499, nend = 999, variable = "fHarvest_lnd_sum", cn = sspyears) / (1e12/ysec)
  # fractions
  treeFrac_lnd_mean_ens_ssp585_S3 <- makeTimeseriesEnsembleSSP(ensloc = ensloc_ssp585_S3,
                                                 nstart = 499, nend = 999, variable = "treeFrac_lnd_mean", cn = sspyears)

  shrubFrac_lnd_mean_ens_ssp585_S3 <- makeTimeseriesEnsembleSSP(ensloc = ensloc_ssp585_S3,
                                                 nstart = 499, nend = 999, variable = "shrubFrac_lnd_mean", cn = sspyears)  
  baresoilFrac_lnd_mean_ens_ssp585_S3 <- makeTimeseriesEnsembleSSP(ensloc = ensloc_ssp585_S3,
                                                 nstart = 499, nend = 999, variable = "baresoilFrac_lnd_mean", cn = sspyears)  
  c3PftFrac_lnd_mean_ens_ssp585_S3 <- makeTimeseriesEnsembleSSP(ensloc = ensloc_ssp585_S3,
                                                 nstart = 499, nend = 999, variable = "c3PftFrac_lnd_mean", cn = sspyears) 
  c4PftFrac_lnd_mean_ens_ssp585_S3 <- makeTimeseriesEnsembleSSP(ensloc = ensloc_ssp585_S3,
                                                 nstart = 499, nend = 999, variable = "c4PftFrac_lnd_mean", cn = sspyears)   
 # save(npp_ens_ssp585_S3, nbp_ens_ssp585_S3, cSoil_ens_ssp585_S3, cVeg_ens_ssp585_S3, lai_lnd_mean_ens_ssp585_S3, rh_lnd_sum_ens_ssp585_S3, fLuc_lnd_sum_ens_ssp585_S3, fHarvest_lnd_sum_ens_ssp585_S3,
#       treeFrac_lnd_mean_ens_ssp585_S3, shrubFrac_lnd_mean_ens_ssp585_S3, baresoilFrac_lnd_mean_ens_ssp585_S3,c3PftFrac_lnd_mean_ens_ssp585_S3, c4PftFrac_lnd_mean_ens_ssp585_S3,
#       file = "ensemble_timeseries_ssp_2022-08-09.rdata" )
## ----------------------------------------------------------------------
## Anomalize ensemble
## ----------------------------------------------------------------------

npp_ens_anom_ssp585_S3 <- anomalizeTSmatrix(npp_ens_ssp585_S3, 1:20)
nbp_ens_anom_ssp585_S3 <- anomalizeTSmatrix(nbp_ens_ssp585_S3, 1:20)
cSoil_ens_anom_ssp585_S3 <- anomalizeTSmatrix(cSoil_ens_ssp585_S3, 1:20)
cVeg_ens_anom_ssp585_S3 <- anomalizeTSmatrix(cVeg_ens_ssp585_S3, 1:20)

rh_lnd_sum_ens_anom_ssp585_S3 <- anomalizeTSmatrix(rh_lnd_sum_ens_ssp585_S3, 1:20)
fLuc_lnd_sum_ens_anom_ssp585_S3 <- anomalizeTSmatrix(fLuc_lnd_sum_ens_ssp585_S3, 1:20)
lai_lnd_mean_ens_anom_ssp585_S3 <- anomalizeTSmatrix(lai_lnd_mean_ens_ssp585_S3, 1:20) 

fHarvest_lnd_sum_ens_anom_ssp585_S3 <- anomalizeTSmatrix(fHarvest_lnd_sum_ens_ssp585_S3, 1:20)
treeFrac_lnd_mean_ens_anom_ssp585_S3 <- anomalizeTSmatrix(treeFrac_lnd_mean_ens_ssp585_S3, 1:20)
shrubFrac_lnd_mean_ens_anom_ssp585_S3 <- anomalizeTSmatrix(shrubFrac_lnd_mean_ens_ssp585_S3, 1:20)
baresoilFrac_lnd_mean_ens_anom_ssp585_S3 <- anomalizeTSmatrix(baresoilFrac_lnd_mean_ens_ssp585_S3, 1:20)
c3PftFrac_lnd_mean_ens_anom_ssp585_S3 <- anomalizeTSmatrix(c3PftFrac_lnd_mean_ens_ssp585_S3, 1:20)
c4PftFrac_lnd_mean_ens_anom_ssp585_S3 <- anomalizeTSmatrix(c4PftFrac_lnd_mean_ens_ssp585_S3, 1:20)

#total_land_carbon_anom <- anomalizeTSmatrix(total_land_carbon_ens, 1:20)

Include baresoil fraction data


frac_cci <- c(global_frac_cci[1] + global_frac_cci[2], global_frac_cci[3], global_frac_cci[4], global_frac_cci[5], global_frac_cci[8] )
#frac_mv <- c(standard_modern_value['treeFrac_lnd_mean'], standard_modern_value['c3PftFrac_lnd_mean'], #standard_modern_value['c4PftFrac_lnd_mean'], standard_modern_value['shrubFrac_lnd_mean'], standard_modern_value['baresoilFrac_lnd_mean']  )

fraclab = c('Trees', 'C3 grasses', 'C4 grasses', 'Shrubs', 'Bare soil')

# Half and double the LC CCI data to get bounds for constraining JULES ES-1.0
frac_cci_max <- frac_cci * 2 *100
frac_cci_min <- frac_cci * 0.5 * 100

Build a matrix of variables that we will use to constrain the ensemble

Matrix of constraint variables, mean of 1996 to 2015

ix_mv <- which(sspyears %in% 1996:2015)

yvec_constraints <- c('npp_ens_ssp585_S3',
                      'c4PftFrac_lnd_mean_ens_ssp585_S3' ,

# Matrix of constraint output modern values (1996 - 2015)
Y_const_ssp585_mv <- matrix(data = NA, nrow = nrow(npp_ens_ssp585_S3), ncol = length(yvec_constraints))
colnames(Y_const_ssp585_mv) <- yvec_constraints

for(i in 1:length(yvec_constraints)){
  Y_trunc <- get(yvec_constraints[i])[, ix_mv]
  Y_trunc_mean <- apply(Y_trunc, 1, mean, na.rm = TRUE)
  Y_const_ssp585_mv[,i] <- Y_trunc_mean
createConstraintString <- function(yconst, yvec, mins, maxes){
  # This function constructs a logical expression as a string to be evaluated
  const_string <- deparse(substitute(yconst))
  out <- 'which('
  for(i in 1:length(yvec)){
    subconst <- paste0(const_string,'[,', '"',yvec[i],'"',']', '>', mins[i], '&', const_string,'[,', '"',yvec[i], '"',']' , '<', maxes[i], '&')
     subconst <-  paste0(const_string,'[,', '"',yvec[i],'"',']', '>', mins[i], '&', const_string,'[,', '"',yvec[i], '"',']' , '<', maxes[i])
   out <-  paste0(out, subconst)
  out <- paste0(out, ')')

#myfunc <- function(v1) {
#  deparse(substitute(v1))

#[1] "foo"

level2_mins <- c(35, 0, 750, 300)
level2_maxes <- c(80, 10000, 3000, 800)

Y_unif2 <- Y_const_ssp585_mv[,1:4]
ix_kept_level2 <- eval(parse(text = createConstraintString(yconst = Y_unif2, yvec=yvec_constraints[1:4], mins = level2_mins, maxes = level2_maxes)))

inputConstraintSize <- function(yconst, yvec, mins, maxes){
  # Calculate the indices of Y_unif that are within the bounds set by mins and maxes
  ix_kept <- eval(parse(text = createConstraintString(yconst = yconst, yvec=yvec, mins = mins, maxes = maxes)))
  prop_kept <- length(ix_kept) / nrow(Y_unif)
  return(list(ix_kept = ix_kept, prop_kept = prop_kept))
# Load up the data
lhs_i = read.table('data/lhs_u-ao732.txt', header = TRUE)
lhs_ii = read.table('data/lhs_u-ao732a.txt', header = TRUE)

toplevel_ix = 1:499

# I *think* the last ensemble member (501) is the standard set of parameters
ntrain_wave01 <- 500

# Load input matrices and bind with wave00 inputs
lhs_wave01 <- read.table( 'data/lhs_example.txt', header = TRUE)

lhs_wave01_standard <- rbind(lhs_wave01, c(rep(1, ncol(lhs_wave01))))

X_wave01_standard = normalize(lhs_wave01_standard, wrt = rbind(lhs_i, lhs_ii, lhs_wave01))
colnames(X_wave01_standard) = colnames(lhs_wave01)

#standard member at the end
#lhs_all <- rbind(lhs_i, lhs_ii, lhs_wave01, c(rep(1, ncol(lhs_i))))

# Match the 400 outputs we're using in the training data
#X_wave01_train <- X_wave01[1:ntrain_wave01, ]
# npp, nbp, cSoil, cVeg, treeFrac, c3grassFrac, c4grassFrac, shrubFrac, bareSoilFrac 
const_mins <- c(35, 0, 750, 300, frac_cci_min)
const_maxes <- c(80, 10000, 3000, 800, frac_cci_max)

all_consts <- colnames(Y_const_ssp585_mv)

#par(mfrow = c(1, ncol(Y_const_ssp585_mv)))

#for(i in 1:ncol(Y_const_ssp585_mv)){
#  plot(rep(1,2),  c(const_mins[i], const_maxes[i] ))
#  points(rep(1, nrow(Y_const_ssp585_mv)), Y_const_ssp585_mv[,i])

ix_kept_all <-  eval(parse(text = createConstraintString(yconst = Y_const_ssp585_mv, yvec=all_consts, mins = const_mins, maxes = const_maxes)))

#Y_unif <- cbind(Y_const_ssp585_mv, cnbp_ens_ssp585_S3_mv, treeFrac_lnd_mean_ens_ssp585_S3_mv)
#level5_constraints <- c('npp_ens_ssp585_S3', 'nbp_ens_ssp585_S3', 'cSoil_ens_ssp585_S3', 'cVeg_ens_ssp585_S3', 'baresoilFrac_lnd_mean_ens_ssp585_S3', 'cnbp_ens_ssp585_S3_mv', 'treeFrac_lnd_mean_ens_ssp585_S3_mv')
#ix_kept_level5 <- eval(parse(text = createConstraintString(yvec=level5_constraints, mins = const_mins_level5, maxes = const_maxes_level5)))

#hack here, need to sort createConstraintsString
#Y_mv5 <- Y_unif

Compare the ensemble with observations/expert-elicited ranges

## Attaching package: 'scales'
## The following object is masked from 'package:viridis':
##     viridis_pal
main_vec <- c('NPP', 'NBP', 'cSoil', 'cVeg', 'trees', 'grassC3', 'grassC4', 'shrubs', 'baresoil')
par(mfrow = c(1, ncol(Y_const_ssp585_mv)), las = 1, mar = c(6,5,5,3))

ylim_min_vec <- c(0, -1.5, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0)
ylim_max_vec <- c(150, 3.5, 5000, 2000, 100, 100, 100, 100, 100)
obs_vec <- c(NA,NA, NA, NA, frac_cci*100)

colvec <- rep( alpha('black',0.1), nrow(Y_const_ssp585_mv))
colvec[ix_kept_all] <- 'cyan'
colvec[nrow((Y_const_ssp585_mv))] <- 'green'
for(i in 1:ncol(Y_const_ssp585_mv)){
  xpoints <- jitter(rep(i, nrow(Y_const_ssp585_mv)))
  plot(xpoints, Y_const_ssp585_mv[,i], axes = FALSE ,
        xlab = '', ylab = '',
       ylim = c(ylim_min_vec[i], ylim_max_vec[i] ), pch = 21, cex = 1, col = colvec, bg = colvec,
       main = main_vec[i])
  points(i, obs_vec[i], bg = 'red', pch = 21, cex = 2, col= 'white')
  points(xpoints[ix_kept_all], Y_const_ssp585_mv[ix_kept_all,i], pch = 21, col = 'white', bg = 'blue', cex = 1.5)
  points(xpoints[nrow(Y_const_ssp585_mv)], Y_const_ssp585_mv[nrow(Y_const_ssp585_mv),i], pch = 21, col = 'white', bg = 'orange', cex = 1.5)
  abline(h = const_mins[i], col = 'red', lwd = 3)
  abline(h =const_maxes[i], col = 'red', lwd = 3)


legend('bottom', horiz = TRUE, inset = 0.02,
       legend = c('ensemble member', 'Observation', 'expert range', 'passes all' , 'standard member'),
       pch = c(19, 19, NA, 19, 19),
       lty = c(NA, NA, 'solid',NA,  NA),
       col = c(alpha('black',0.2), 'red','red', 'blue', 'orange')

Pairs plot of the ensemble members that match all observational criteria

The ensemble members that make it through the data challenge don’t all cluster around the standard settings.

  X_wave01_standard[c(ix_kept_all, nrow(Y_const_ssp585_mv)),   ],
  col = c(rep('blue', length(ix_kept_all)), 'red'),
  bg = c(rep(alpha('blue',0.4), length(ix_kept_all)), alpha('red',0.4)),
  lower.panel = NULL,
  labels = 1:ncol(X_wave01_standard),
  gap = 0,
  xlim = c(0,1), ylim = c(0,1),
  pch = 21,
  xaxt = 'n', yaxt = 'n'

legend('left', legend = paste(1:32, colnames(lhs_i)), cex = 1, bty = 'n')

       inset = 0.05,
       legend = c('passed all', 'standard'),
       col = c('blue', 'red' ), = c(alpha('blue',0.4), alpha('red',0.4)),
       pch = 21,
       horiz = TRUE )

Build emulators for the “modern value” constraint variable

# Create fit lists for the combined data
#Y_frac_level1a_wave01_list <- mat2list(Y_frac_level1a_wave01)

Y_const_ssp585_mv_list <- mat2list(Y_const_ssp585_mv)

fit_list_Y_const_ssp585_mv <- mclapply(X = Y_const_ssp585_mv_list, FUN = km, formula = ~., design = X_wave01_standard,
                                   mc.cores = 4, control = list(trace = FALSE))

##           used (Mb) gc trigger  (Mb) max used  (Mb)
## Ncells 1218547 65.1    4069040 217.4  3698747 197.6
## Vcells 8287974 63.3   15421904 117.7  9994660  76.3

Create a set of samples from a Uniform input space

X_mins <- apply(X_wave01_standard,2,min)
X_maxes <- apply(X_wave01_standard,2,max)

X_unif <- samp_unif(30000, mins = X_mins, maxes = X_maxes)

Predict at the sampled inputs

# may be better to split this out, as it causes problems at 50000 samples. 20K seems OKrm(list = ls())
pred_list_Y_const_ssp585_mv <- mclapply(fit_list_Y_const_ssp585_mv, FUN = predict, newdata = X_unif, type = 'UK',
                                        mc.cores = 4, control = list(trace = FALSE))
##             used   (Mb) gc trigger   (Mb)  max used   (Mb)
## Ncells   1249257   66.8    4069040  217.4   3698747  197.6
## Vcells 281439582 2147.3  412351596 3146.0 372222226 2839.9
Y_pred <- matrix(NA, nrow = nrow(X_unif), ncol = length(pred_list_Y_const_ssp585_mv))

for(i in 1:length(pred_list_Y_const_ssp585_mv)){
  Y_pred[, i] <- pred_list_Y_const_ssp585_mv[[i]]$mean

colnames(Y_pred) <- colnames(Y_const_ssp585_mv)
par(mfrow = c(3,3))

for(i in 1:ncol(Y_pred)){
hist(Y_pred[,i], col = 'grey', main = yvec_constraints[i])
abline(v = c(const_mins[i], const_maxes[i]), col = 'red')
## Warning in rug(Y_const_ssp585_mv[, i]): some values will be clipped

## Warning in rug(Y_const_ssp585_mv[, i]): some values will be clipped

## Warning in rug(Y_const_ssp585_mv[, i]): some values will be clipped

## Warning in rug(Y_const_ssp585_mv[, i]): some values will be clipped

## Warning in rug(Y_const_ssp585_mv[, i]): some values will be clipped

Y_pred_9 <- Y_pred[ ,1:9]

ix_kept_pred <-  eval(parse(text = createConstraintString(yconst = Y_pred_9, yvec=all_consts[1:9], mins = const_mins[1:9], maxes = const_maxes[1:9])))
## [1] 141

Input space of emulated outputs that match all 9 observational criteria

panel.hist <- function(x, ...)
    usr <- par("usr"); on.exit(par(usr))
    par(usr = c(usr[1:2], 0, 1.5) )
    h <- hist(x, plot = FALSE)
    breaks <- h$breaks; nB <- length(breaks)
    y <- h$counts; y <- y/max(y)
    rect(breaks[-nB], 0, breaks[-1], y, col = "cyan", ...)

X_kept <- rbind(X_unif[ix_kept_pred, ], X_wave01_standard)
colnames(X_kept) <- 1:32

#pdf(file = 'X_treefrac_pairs_density.pdf', width = 10, height = 10)
    #  labels = 1:d,
      gap = 0, lower.panel = NULL, xlim = c(0,1), ylim = c(0,1),
      panel = dfunc_up_truth,
      diag.panel = panel.hist,
      cex.labels = 1,
      col.axis = 'white',
      dfunc_col = rb

legend('left', legend = paste(1:32, colnames(lhs_i)), cex = 1, bty = 'n')

image.plot(legend.only = TRUE,
           zlim = c(0,1),
           col = rb,
           legend.args = list(text = 'Density of model runs matching the criteria', side = 3, line = 1),
           legend.shrink = 0.6,
           horizontal = TRUE

# High-dimensional emulation section

# Libraries
# Helper functions

anomalizeTSmatrix = function(x, ix){
  # Anomalise a timeseries matrix
  subx = x[ ,ix]
  sweepstats = apply(subx, 1, FUN=mean)
  anom = sweep(x, 1, sweepstats, FUN = '-')

mat2list <- function(X){
  # Turns the p columns of a matrix into a p length list,
  # with each column becoming an element of the list
  out <- vector(mode = 'list', length = ncol(X))
  for(i in 1:ncol(X)){
    out[[i]] <- X[ , i]

reset <- function() {
  # Allows annotation of graphs, resets axes
  par(mfrow=c(1, 1), oma=rep(0, 4), mar=rep(0, 4), new=TRUE)
  plot(0:1, 0:1, type="n", xlab="", ylab="", axes=FALSE)

makeTransparent<-function(someColor, alpha=100)
  # Transparent colours for plotting
  apply(newColor, 2, function(curcoldata){rgb(red=curcoldata[1], green=curcoldata[2],
                                              blue=curcoldata[3],alpha=alpha, maxColorValue=255)})

pca_km <- function(X, Y, train_ix, test_ix, npctol = 0.99, scale = FALSE, center = TRUE, ...){
  # emulate high dimensional output  
  # Split into training and test samples
  X_train <- X[train_ix, ]
  X_test  <- X[test_ix, ]
  Y_train <- Y[train_ix, ]
  Y_test  <- Y[test_ix, ]
  #reduce dimension of the output
  pca <- prcomp(Y_train, scale = scale, center = center)
  # choose a number of pcs
  pca_summary <- summary(pca)
  # 2 PCs minimum
  if(pca_summary$importance[3,2] < npctol){
  npc <- as.numeric(which(pca_summary$importance[3,] > npctol)[1])
    npc <- 2
  scores_train_list <- mat2list(pca$x[, 1:npc])
  # fitting the emulator is a slow step, so we use parallel computation
  # Fit an emulator to each principal component in turn
  fit_list <- mclapply(X = scores_train_list, FUN = km, formula = ~., design = X_train,
                       mc.cores = 4, control = list(trace = FALSE, maxit = 200))
  scores_em_test_mean  <- NULL
  scores_em_test_sd    <- NULL
  scores_em_train_mean <- NULL
  scores_em_train_sd   <- NULL
  for(i in 1:npc){
    loo <-[[i]], type = 'UK', trend.reestim = TRUE)
    pred_test <- predict(fit_list[[i]], newdata = X_test, type = 'UK')
    # Predict training data (low dimension representation)
    scores_em_train_mean <- cbind(scores_em_train_mean, loo$mean)
    scores_em_train_sd <- cbind(scores_em_train_sd, loo$sd)                            
    # Predict test data (low dimension representation)                         
    scores_em_test_mean <- cbind(scores_em_test_mean, pred_test$mean)
    scores_em_test_sd   <- cbind(scores_em_test_sd, pred_test$sd)
  # Project back up to high dimension
    anom_train <- pca$rotation[ ,1:npc] %*% t(scores_em_train_mean[,1:npc])*pca$scale
    anom_test <- pca$rotation[ ,1:npc] %*% t(scores_em_test_mean[,1:npc])*pca$scale
    sd_train <- t(pca$rotation[ ,1:npc] %*% t(scores_em_train_sd[,1:npc])*pca$scale)
    sd_test <- t(pca$rotation[ ,1:npc] %*% t(scores_em_test_sd[,1:npc])*pca$scale)
    anom_train <- pca$rotation[ ,1:npc] %*% t(scores_em_train_mean[,1:npc])
    anom_test <- pca$rotation[ ,1:npc] %*% t(scores_em_test_mean[,1:npc])
    sd_train <- t(pca$rotation[ ,1:npc] %*% t(scores_em_train_sd[,1:npc]))
    sd_test <- t(pca$rotation[ ,1:npc] %*% t(scores_em_test_sd[,1:npc]))
  Ypred_train <- t(anom_train + pca$center)
  Ypred_test <- t(anom_test + pca$center)
  Yerr_train <- Y_train - Ypred_train
  Yerr_test <- Y_test - Ypred_test
  return(list(X = X,
              Y = Y,
              train_ix = train_ix,
              test_ix = test_ix,
              X_train = X_train,
              X_test = X_test,
              npc = npc,
              pca = pca,
              fit_list = fit_list,
              scores_em_train_mean = scores_em_train_mean,
              scores_em_train_sd = scores_em_train_sd,
              scores_em_test_mean = scores_em_test_mean,
              scores_em_test_sd = scores_em_test_sd,
              Ypred_train = Ypred_train,
              Ypred_test = Ypred_test,
              sd_train = sd_train,
              sd_test = sd_test,
              Yerr_train = Yerr_train,
              Yerr_test = Yerr_test

pca_km_errorStats <- function(fit, nround = 2, compare_ix = NULL){
  # Calculate the error statistics from a pca_km object
  # fit ........... output object from pca_km
  # nround ........ decimals to round in output
  # compare_ix..... indices of the training set to calculate error stats for 

    compare_ix <-  1:nrow(fit$Yerr_train)
  else{ compare_ix <- compare_ix}
  trainMAE <- round(mean(abs(fit$Yerr_train[compare_ix, ])), nround)
  testMAE <- round(mean(abs(fit$Yerr_test)), nround)
  return(list(trainMAE = trainMAE,
              testMAE = testMAE))

pca_km_tsSparkPlot <- function(pca_km_obj, nr, nc, transp, maintext, yrs, obscol = 'black', predcol = 'red', ...){
  # Timeseries test set prediction sparkline plot (small multiples)
  par(mfrow = c(nr,nc), mar = c(0.1, 0.1, 0.1, 0.1), oma = c(1,0.1,5,0.1))
  ylim <- range(
    (pca_km_obj$Ypred_test + 2*(pca_km_obj$sd_test)),
    ( pca_km_obj$Ypred_test - 2*(pca_km_obj$sd_test)))
  for(i in 1:length(pca_km_obj$test_ix)){
    plot(yrs, (pca_km_obj$Y[test_ix, ])[i, ], ylim = ylim, type = 'n', axes = FALSE)
    rect(par("usr")[1], par("usr")[3],
         par("usr")[2], par("usr")[4],
         col = "grey90", border = "grey90") # Color
    lines(yrs, (pca_km_obj$Y[test_ix, ])[i, ], col = obscol, lwd = 1.5)
    lines(yrs, pca_km_obj$Ypred_test[i, ], col = predcol, lwd = 1.5)
    lines(yrs, pca_km_obj$Ypred_test[i, ] + 2*(pca_km_obj$sd_test[i, ]), col = makeTransparent(predcol,transp))
    lines(yrs, pca_km_obj$Ypred_test[i, ] - 2*(pca_km_obj$sd_test[i, ]), col = makeTransparent(predcol,transp))
  mtext(maintext, side = 3, outer = TRUE, cex = 1.5, line = 1)
  legend('topleft', col = c(obscol, predcol, makeTransparent(predcol,transp)),
         legend = c('observed', 'predicted', '+-2sd'), lty = 'solid', horiz = TRUE, bty = 'n')

# A function to identify rows with outlier data (from Google Bard, adapted to update threshold)
findAnomalies <- function(matrix, iqrThres = 1.5, madThres = 1.5, na.rm = FALSE) {
  # Check for NA values
  if (!na.rm) {
    naRows <- which(apply(matrix, 1,
    if (length(naRows) > 0) {

  # Check for outliers using IQR method
  iqr <- IQR(matrix, na.rm = na.rm)
  q1 <- quantile(matrix, 0.25, na.rm = na.rm)
  q3 <- quantile(matrix, 0.75, na.rm = na.rm)
  outlierRows <- which(apply(matrix, 1, function(row) {
    any(row < q1 - iqrThres * iqr | row > q3 + iqrThres * iqr)

  # Check for discontinuities
  discontinuityRows <- which(apply(matrix, 1, function(row) {
    any(diff(row) > madThres * mad(row))

  # Combine NA, outlier, and discontinuity rows
  anomalyRows <- union(union(naRows, outlierRows), discontinuityRows)

  # Return index of anomaly rows

findAnomaliesTSLocal <- function(matrix, iqrThres = 5, madThres = 3, na.rm = FALSE) {
  # Find outlier runs in an ensemble
  # Check for NA values
  if (!na.rm) {
    naRows <- which(apply(matrix, 1,
    if (length(naRows) > 0) {

  # find the local (per column) IQR
  iqr <- apply(matrix, 2, FUN = IQR, na.rm = na.rm)
  q1 <- apply(matrix,2, FUN = quantile, probs = 0.25)
  q3 <- apply(matrix,2, FUN = quantile, probs = 0.75)
  outlierRows <- which(apply(matrix, 1, function(row) {
    any(row < q1 - iqrThres * iqr | row > q3 + iqrThres * iqr)

  # Check for discontinuities
  discontinuityRows <- which(apply(matrix, 1, function(row) {
    any(diff(row) > madThres * mad(row))

  # Combine NA, outlier, and discontinuity rows
  anomalyRows <- union(union(naRows, outlierRows), discontinuityRows)

  # Return index of anomaly rows

Observations of cumulative NBP

historical_carbon_budget <- read_excel('Global_Carbon_Budget_2020v1.0.xlsx', sheet = "Historical Budget", skip = 15, n_max = 270)
match_years_ix <- which(historical_carbon_budget$Year %in% 1850:2013)

land_sink_net <- historical_carbon_budget$`land sink` - historical_carbon_budget$`land-use change emissions`

match_years <- historical_carbon_budget$Year[match_years_ix]
cumulative_net_land_sink <- cumsum(land_sink_net[match_years_ix])

par(las = 1)
plot(match_years, cumulative_net_land_sink,
     type = 'l', main = "Cumulative Net Land Sink", xlab = "", ylab = "GtC",
     ylim = c(-80, 20))

Calculate cumulative NBP

cnbp_ens_ssp585_S3 <-  t(apply(nbp_ens_ssp585_S3, 1, FUN = cumsum))
cnbp_stan_ssp585_S3 <- cumsum(nbp_stan_ssp585_S3)

par(las= 1)
matplot(sspyears, t(cnbp_ens_ssp585_S3), type = 'l', lty = 'solid', col = alpha('black', 0.4),
        ylab = 'CNBP(GtC)', main = 'cumulative nbp')
matlines(sspyears, t(cnbp_ens_ssp585_S3[ix_kept_all, ]), col = 'dodgerblue2', lwd = 2, lty = 'solid')
matlines(sspyears, cnbp_stan_ssp585_S3, col = 'orange', lwd = 2)
legend('topleft', legend = c('all ensemble', 'passed', 'standard member'),
       lwd = 2, col = c('black', 'dodgerblue2', 'orange'))

testprop <- 0.2

nruns <- nrow(cnbp_ens_ssp585_S3)
ntest <- floor(nruns * testprop)
ntrain <- (nruns - ntest)
train_ix <- 1:ntrain
test_ix  <- (ntrain+1):nruns
pc_km_cnbp_combine <- pca_km(X = X_wave01_standard,
                             train_ix = train_ix, 
                             test_ix = test_ix, 
                             npctol = 0.99, 
                             scale = TRUE,
                             center = TRUE)
par(mfrow = c(1,4), las = 1)
cnbp_pca_summary <- summary(pc_km_cnbp_combine$pca)
plot(1:10, cnbp_pca_summary$importance[3,1:10], type = 'b', xlab = 'PCs', ylab = 'Proportion of variance explained')
abline(h = 0.99, lty = 'dashed')

for(i in 1:3){

plot(sspyears, pc_km_cnbp_combine$pca$rotation[,i], type = 'l', ylab = '', xlab = 'year')

## $trainMAE
## [1] 20.11
## $testMAE
## [1] 25.27
par(mfrow = c(1,5), las = 1)
for(i in 1:5){
  rn <- range(c((pc_km_cnbp_combine$scores_em_train_mean[,i] - 2*(pc_km_cnbp_combine$scores_em_train_sd) ),
                (pc_km_cnbp_combine$scores_em_train_mean[,i] + 2*(pc_km_cnbp_combine$scores_em_train_sd) )
plot(pc_km_cnbp_combine$pca$x[,i], pc_km_cnbp_combine$scores_em_train_mean[,i], main = paste0('PC ',i),
     xlab = 'observed', ylab = 'predicted', ylim = rn, pty = 'n')
  segments(pc_km_cnbp_combine$pca$x[,i],   (pc_km_cnbp_combine$scores_em_train_mean[,i] - 2*(pc_km_cnbp_combine$scores_em_train_sd) ),
           pc_km_cnbp_combine$pca$x[,i],  (pc_km_cnbp_combine$scores_em_train_mean[,i] + 2*(pc_km_cnbp_combine$scores_em_train_sd) ),
           col = makeTransparent('black', 50)
  points(pc_km_cnbp_combine$pca$x[,i], pc_km_cnbp_combine$scores_em_train_mean[,i], pch = 20, col = 'black')

pca_km_tsSparkPlot(pc_km_cnbp_combine, nr = 8, nc = 20, yrs = sspyears, maintext = 'CNBP test predictions', transp = 100) 

pca_km_pred <- function(pca_km_obj, X_new, type = 'UK'){
  # just assume scale is true for the moment
    scores_em_pred_mean  <- NULL
    scores_em_pred_sd    <- NULL
    for(i in 1:pca_km_obj$npc){
      pred <- predict(pca_km_obj$fit_list[[i]], newdata = X_new, type = type)
      scores_em_pred_mean <- cbind(scores_em_pred_mean, pred$mean)
      scores_em_pred_sd   <- cbind(scores_em_pred_sd, pred$sd)
  # Project back up to high dimension
         anom_pred <- pca_km_obj$pca$rotation[ ,1:pca_km_obj$npc] %*% t(scores_em_pred_mean[,1:pca_km_obj$npc])*pca_km_obj$pca$scale
         sd_pred <- t(pca_km_obj$pca$rotation[ ,1:pca_km_obj$npc] %*% t(scores_em_pred_sd[,1:pca_km_obj$npc])*pca_km_obj$pca$scale)
#  else{
  #  anom_pred <- pca$rotation[ ,1:npc] %*% t(scores_em_pred_mean[,1:npc])
  #  sd_pred <- t(pca$rotation[ ,1:npc] %*% t(scores_em_pred_sd[,1:npc]))
 # }
    Ypred <- t(anom_pred + pca_km_obj$pca$center)
    return(list(Ypred = Ypred))
  #Ypred_train <- t(anom_train + pca$center)
  #Y  pred_test <- t(anom_test + pca$center)
  #Yerr_train <- Y_train - Ypred_train
  #Yerr_test <- Y_test - Ypred_test
test <- pca_km_pred(pc_km_cnbp_combine, X_new = X_unif[ix_kept_pred, ])
par(las= 1)
matplot(sspyears, t(cnbp_ens_ssp585_S3), type = 'l', lty = 'solid', col = alpha(cbf_2[1], 0.4),
        ylab = 'GtC', xlab = 'year', main = 'cumulative nbp', lwd =2)
matlines(sspyears, t(test$Ypred), col = alpha(cbf_2[7], 0.6), lty = 'solid', lwd = 3)
matlines(sspyears, t(cnbp_ens_ssp585_S3[ix_kept_all, ]), col = cbf_2[3], lwd = 3, lty = 'solid')
matlines(sspyears, cnbp_stan_ssp585_S3,  col  = cbf_2[2], lwd = 3)
matlines(match_years, cumulative_net_land_sink, col = cbf_2[5], lwd = 3)

legend('topleft', legend = c('wave01 ensemble', 'wave01 passed', 'standard member', 'projected passed', 'observations'),
       lwd = 3, col = c(cbf_2[1], cbf_2[3], cbf_2[2], cbf_2[7],cbf_2[5]))